World Act lll


any wiley super power

glancing at history

could easily assume its time was short

enter stage right: World Act lll


a president with his technology down

would never wish to be caught

but start somewhere, somewhere he must

some cavemen must be caught


progressing to gardens of babylon

figures fell and felt

meanwhile several more are summonsed

to strip below their belt


where will we flex our posse next

and point our incredible tools

we've divided and conquered arab pride

once fearsome, reduced to fools


Nth Korea, Tibet or Taiwan

choose a reason to interlope

the coolies must don a blackened hat

to replace that innocent slope


it's not racial discrimination

beneath our spectrum seige

vis-a-vis japan re-arms

and joins us with prestige


still three billion subjects

whose sentences matter still

two point two billion of those

have never heard of Wild Bill

two point two billion

never tasted Earl Grey teas

two point two billion

mostly all Chinese


copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old