
I had just left a poor pathetic artful creature friend stunned by life, shrivelled by competition, stuck in time,

pouring over creativity, sweating over talent, pleading for someone, compromising content, when I met......


"Free hundred? Not worth stepping over you for. Free Fousand is what I get.

Mt Ariza? no, dey wanna know how framous you are before day showya work. Villiamswille, dat's where ta go.

If ya don't ask much da public thinks youse no good! I'm famous in Europe but what good is dat here?

Free fousand!

Yeah well it's costly to make a painting. First ya gotta buy the frame, that could be over twenty dollars and then stretch the canvas.

Ya paints.....could cost over eighty dollars before ya start, not even including electricity

The public wants to keep asking me all dese questions about what does de painting mean?

I dunno what it means, I just painted it!


Even after ya tellem dat day still wanna talk more about what does de painting mean


And if de painting's got last year's date on it, day tink it's no good or passed in at auction or sometin

So I have ta change the date, even if it's my favourite painting from home and I never tried ta sell it before, much.

Stupid day are......."


so that's one version of how it's done


stop demanding accolades from your family

they'll never understand you.

think about it; they hardly know you really, and YOU haven't figured YOU out yet!


get a lover and get ultimately lied to!


realise this...

can a complete stranger appreciate your work?

go down town and find out

some don't? so what !

only 5% go to church in spite of the advantages He has (No God is not a She, find out)


  read "art's a lie"