peace & friends
I want you each to make a peace-chain with your friends
as if on this chain our very peace depends
by osmosis even those with other ends
will be touched by what each of us intends



living up to what was taught
ignoring what we've watched and thought
on a brave day when truth is seen
we wonder where it's always been


US mess 
iraq whack 
crack attack 
britain bitten
britain battin' 
iran ban 
caravan scan
saudi affordi 
lordey gaudi
korea engineer 
severe fear 
taiwan garrison  
halcyon comparison
philipines machines
teen marines  
france vigilance
protestant's dance
moscow show 
no to-and-fro
bonn shone 
con long gone
indonesia appeasier
say cheesier
malaysian phrazin'
brazen dispraisin'
us mess





in we have been took
a knave stepped on the rubbish bin
to deftly grope the biscuit tin
with cowboy style and hearty grin
to capture booty from within
he would, while father's measurin'
stretch past the tallest drawing pin
chest out, head up, and in with chin
but on tippy toes to take us in

kick the cat
Revenge is foremost in our minds
our hearts are iron-clad
that we're going to kick the cat
is very very saddam

I sanction you, I bless you
you, my fellow kinstance
whereas sanctions encase 
a constrained populace
like so many revolutionary ants


         the world will have to pay
spitting bullets into nowhere the missile bill's untold
there's got to come a balance on a quiet reckoning day
at home they cut the taxes while ejaculating gold
I haven't sussed the income stream, but the world will have to pay
united nations resolution
fourteen forty one
is scrutinized with eagle eyes
through an adjudicator's gun
I think we'll take some scientists
they'll be more relaxed that way
we'll describe them as defectors 
who saw the error of their ways
I'll  ensure my job is done said Blix
if appropriate an arms reduction
but I'll never ever conspire to be
a conduit for abduction
mobile weapons factories
we went  to Iraq
what a lark
mobile weapons
in every park
driving round 
on every road
weapons factories
that could explode
even with vigilance
cruising round
you can't find plants
that can't be found
in fords and chevs
and cabs, alas
saddam stirs up
his poison gas

end page 1

         collateral damage
collateral damage
that's who you are
as their quest goes on and on
collateral damage
bad luck so far
so sad you're dead and gone
collateral damage
describes you well
that's who you're apt to be
collateral damage
the quest's faux pas
their ruin and their soiree
collateral damage
why don't you see
depends where you were born
collateral damage
you're expendible
dead, ok, you're foreign
collateral damage 
can't apply to you
it's not the US way
collateral damage
you're heroes
you're from the the USA

the axis
have you seen 'the axis'
it's a movie of repute
nominated everywhere
the actors really cute
yes I saw it once in forty two
even then quite hard to beat
yes here it is I'll play it
excuse the crackly repeat

Billions for a War
It's gonna cost a billion bucks for each week we fight the war!
It's not so steep as it sounds m'boy; I'll let you know the score
In my weapons factory where we save the world and you
we've got more dunny paper than order sheets to do
you see the last ten years' production's sold and there's nothing on the floor
all purchased by the government and sitting in their store
so they already own it so it won't cost them a cent
and there's not a ballistic missile without a regiment
and as for all those service guys do you think without this war
that they'd be raiding garbage bins no salary to draw?
no, this war's a cheap war, just a swoosh on a balance sheet
weapons made, the army's paid, and it all seems really neat
excuse me now I have to go 'cause George is calling back
I'm waiting for some orders to help take up the slack

we report you decide
New York, New York
I belong to foxnews
Washington DC
war on terror
Los Angeles
take him out take him out
New Fox City
y'know he tried to kill my dad
Foxington DC
we report
Fox Angeles
you decide
copyright 2002

         bully ballyhoo & silly
two bad guys on a platform
one for allah and one free for all
and a far-seeing man speaks of foresight
yet suggests it's a black and white call
the mention of one hiroshima
and the blatant plunder of oil
enter potions that underscore cyclops
sacred magic's removed from the boil
the boy in short pants who can't think right
affords mild response from the wings
whose journos have whitewashed any impact
with 'mandela says some darned silly things'

         I might die
I might die
doesn't seem to bother a soldier
I might die
seems to bother me
I will die
unexamined by a soldier
I will die

doesn't bother me

so peaceful, wonderful, fragile!
the sight of earth from space
interdependencies paramount 
weft and warp the human race
a cutting edge society 
weaving courage and political will
too bad that this wild spirit evokes
less than accidental ways to kill
where other nations' people 
their integrity, evolution and style
are subject to unearthly threats
to cut their edge servile
with an equally immediate severance
to produce untimely end
by an otherwise admirable kinstance*
who we'd otherwise defend
* kinstance: replacement word for mankind, society, 
world force,world community,
that part of the world which represents 
a community's viewpoint, active culture


         dissenting nags
way above the muted 
and considerably diluted
laundering of a hundred flags
there's a powerful shout 
for the imminent bout

Pull the plug on dissenting nags!

         hippocratic oath
after complications and microsurgery separating foreign twins
the doctor's untainted simple heart unfurled
"this shows we can work together
is my message to the world"
the action of saving lives where there was no real chance before
the doctor must perplex at the wider scene
where wars are fought as armchair sport
as he creates life where devastation's been
in the time it took to operate to separate those twins
the doctor quietly calculates the cost 
three hundred and thirty three soldiers
four thousand men, women and children were lost
now we call on this doctor and others of similar consternation
please speak to the world of your needs
tell them of the heartache of losing just one case
and plant universal hippocratic oath seeds




let's invade france!
trés recalcitrant esprit
if she won't agree with george
and she won't agree with me! 


         I told you they were friends
bin laden shouts saddam! infidel!
we could never make amends
see! says colin powell
I told you they were friends!
democracy has a way to go
daily newsprint ruminates in daily elasticity
papyrus thick like half a tree
encompassing varietally
seducing all; no escapee  
and should a million disagree
the pod's entrenched by pod decree
in furthering democracy
individuals may but choose their pea
damned voters courted blatantly 
imposters strut as powers-that-be
a million soldiers parade and drill a democratic role to fill
but our stance matters up until
they kill quite who they're told to kill
yet whose barrow is it ? up this hill?
millions are issued with chastity belt to a body so sublime 
whose rare and lonely fantasies 
sublimate to 'you'll be fine' 
and predictably, the glove is thrown 
the key in hands unknown
and we as democrats, squeak tellingly 
as a slightly resistive clone




         the tide has turned today
today the eleventh of february 
two zero zero three
the tide just changed; we get a sense
of world democracy
has the boon in CNN
a silo to annex gain
actually begun to liberate ?
does truth still have a grain ?
warriors all, we all believe
we all believe on cue
the speeches, dailys and tv
we all believe are true
but our management cannot get though!
each episode a different kind!
we'll have to shut the network down
and go over all our lines!
inconguous, respect for the UN
if our bushy tails remain!
sure! we're likely to change our minds
and slink back home again!
warrior yet must promulgate
and carve the world its way
transient omnipotence 
marks the tide today