The sun persisted too late that day

At 40 degrees round Port Phillip bay

Where beachgoers played in sea windless and smooth

Some there awaited a breeze that would soothe


The smoke of a ship to disperse tried to wrestle

Just served as a guide as to the speed of the vessel


The outboard slid guiltlessly on evening's bay

No sound of a bounce in that ocean today


Two bathers stark in their white top half

Provided a contrasting play

The colours remembered from some other time

Tom Roberts predicted this day


His black shiny surface may only have been

A light punctuation to this wonderful scene

In silver took air down down, sea green up for more

A dolphin dived gamely quite close to the shore


At a spectacle Turner might have saved manifest

I gazed amazed at the sky looking west

Low in the sky of blue I inspected

The white edge of grey cloud boldly dissected

By a sunbeam fanned out due to symmetrical need

And geometrical discipline that the spokes need heed


Untamed cloud interjected like father from son

Creating stark contrast via mixed medium

One was so steadfast unable to change

But one experimental seeking full range


Near the horizon to be totally bold

The spectacle exploded into orange and gold

Green silver and orange usurped by gilt and brass

With the colours revisited into the glass



By the nature of sunsets they don't last, that's it

The beauty of this one's extended a bit

The breeze didn't happen the night was quite long

But it couldn't restrict me from painting this song

copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old Shoe

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