sex has changed 


we'd grin, they didn't believe

it was for their very soul

they think ya'd want a piece of them

ya think I'm just a mole!


now ya'll think I'm awful

haven't heard that for a while

you is only using me

that's also out of style


now it's watch a video

and get some useful toys

lie back and you can pleasure me

like I do with other boys


I'll get ya some viagra

to extend the show a bit

the others should be over soon

and we'll get right into it


I saw them on the telly

they can rock for half a day

two's and three's and four's and five's

mixed and straight and gay


some will play for half an hour

and make ecstatic noise

the girls can take it anywhere

but seems painful for the boys


they're intricate and delicate

yet scarcely even met

you never see a pendulum

and the girls don't raise a sweat


this scene is of a female cast

three of them on the team

they covered each other's bodies

with each other and whipped cream


I think we're making progress

beats a catholic array of guilt

and there'll be no doubt of what it's about

or how a female's built


but still it's missing something

that the faulty past has stored

sex remained in short supply

now they're seventeen and bored



copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old