

streaking seemed a harmless prank

I smiled out loud when I realised what

a silly quirk this country had

that others haven't got


but no, streakin's now illegal

I heard it down the pub

but there'll be streaks on tellys nationwide

just give the knob a rub


the brothel's new cast of harlots

where the worthless and mighty come

where Mr Average now looks up his mate's sister

or a cousin of someone's mum


end a life! yes! that's quite easy

close eyes, pull plug, because

they don't want you yet Mr Average

just the the old and the never was


brideshead revisited Mr Average

was not twice as in wedding night dreams

but terrible and fantastic emotions

bride's baggage now yours, Mr, it seems


casinos! immoral, immortal

but don't judge me nifty little mate

call the commissioner! geez that was quick!

in any case now he's too late


war! well that's the easy one

they fight 'em overseas

give me adrenalin on my armchair bottom

and we'll have them on their knees!


drugs and education

the advertising campaigns they do!

in pretty packets, the legal ones

so really darling, what is one shopper to do?


there's another listed program

whose schedule you mustn't miss

from a child too young in body

must Mr Average withhold his kiss ?


streaking seemed a harmless prank

I smiled out loud when I realised what

belly laughs this country had

I insist that some others are got!!!


copyright 2003 Blue Who & Old Shoe