Billions for a War


It's gonna cost a billion bucks for each week we fight the war!

It's not so steep as it sounds m'boy; I'll let you know the score

In my weapons factory where we save the world and you

we've got more dunny paper than order sheets to do

you see the last ten years' production's sold and there's nothing on the floor

all purchased by the government and sitting in their store


so they already own it so it won't cost them a cent

and there's not a ballistic missile without a regiment

and as for all those service guys do you think without this war

that they'd be raiding garbage bins no salary to draw?


no, this war's a cheap war, just a swoosh on a balance sheet

weapons made, the army's paid, and it all seems really neat

excuse me now I have to go 'cause George is calling back

I'm waiting for some orders to help take up the slack

copyright 2002 BlueWho &