Dad was a fake


He drove the car with one good hand the sling encased his right

he ate an apple with the left as we drove home that night

I thought it lucky he doesn't smoke lest the vehicle should ignite

but then the mobile phone rang, to escalate our plight


I saw the grimace on his face while steering with his knee

His front teeth clenched the apple as he got his left hand free

A ringing from the glovebox as he fumbled round in vain

The vision of the road was poor since unexpected rain


A siren howled then flashing lights, the cops were next to him

He didn't have his seatbelt on and had a baldy on one rim

'Forget the phone Dad get your seatbelt !', his teeth no longer gripped

His left arm grabbed the seatbelt, from the sling his right arm slipped


His right arm caught the apple, his left hand to the wheel

his knee resumed the steering so the left the phone could feel

The call was from his doctor 'are you resting up that arm?'

I'm taking a little drive right now, do think it'll do much harm?


We got home in one piece that night

but it was more than I could take

Specially seein'm use his bung right arm......


I told my friends he was a fake


copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old Shoe


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