forcing art


take a william ricketts

and tell him to sculpt the trees

leave and retrieve him in the bush

then cheerfully pay his fees


wait for william ricketts

to take up his chisel and saw

'come on! william ricketts

YOU know what they're for!'


he has a sharpened chisel

and we've offered him lots of trees

any other sculptor

would thank us on his knees


but not this william ricketts

his frozen hands refuse

to have his art directed

by those who pay his dues


for christ's sake william ricketts

can you not move your arse

I've got more agreeable chaps

move aside and let them pass


do the nose a little sharper

and the hair has gone awray

knock off time is five o'clock

come and get your pay


I saw william ricketts

just the other day

I asked him where he travelled

and who prescribed his way


'when I came I saw a vision

of the spirits through the wood

I cared for them and watched them

emerging as they should'


copyright 2003

copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old