four dead trees 

I planted four quite poorly trees

which the nursery threw away

you can try them and with lots of care

they might come back one day


in seven days the first one sprouted

still fairly sensitive

the second was seen to show some signs

and looked like it may live


the third tree by the fifteenth day

was firmly taking root

but the fourth tree of the challenge

simply wouldn't shoot


so I snapped the top off the recalcitrant one

when I realised its dull prognosis

a last ditch attempt to ease the way

of capillaries in osmosis


three out of four is ok I guess

when they didn't have much chance

I'll tell them today at the nursery

when I go to get more plants


I took a final ritual peek

for weeks a daily routine

y'know what that dinkum sheoak grew?

needles , dozens of 'em, and green!


copyright 2002 Blue Who & Old