we're told democracy has come to the place

that needs neither you nor me

george said the diplomatic action in turmoil

is to go on a shopping spree


it may be noted casually

he sounds like you and me.......


why do I need a receptionist

in departments where I phone?

I don't need a banker

to get a housing loan


I need no conductor

to take my tram or train

why intercourse with neighbours?

now they're on tv again


I've no use for service

when filling up my car

and I don't need a waving flag

when trucks put down new tar


I don't need a lover

so I can have my way

videos have my number

before I even say


I don't need a family

now we've got a court

they've turned by rote and rigmarole

discussions that once were wrought


and I don't need a mentor

like my father's father had

homer by default, the idiot

teaches good from bad


dinosaur the library

now the internet is there

long extinct from restaurants

a waiter who pushed your chair


why do I need a clergyman?

when I've got rupert's magazines

anyhow superfluous congregation

can play the slot machines


they don't need a wheeler dealer

the teller is on the wall

democracy's not that much at odds

from you and me at all

copyright 2002 oldshoe.biz