banjo was there at the billabong he skipped across the bank and diamonds were dancing in the very place the jolly swagman sank come dangle ya feet in the pool son it's a joy that's hardly had no I'll wait till we're back to the swimming pool no squelching of toes in mud dad concrete! what an unwelcome form mausoleum crypt or drain hard and cold unwelcoming nothing grows where that has lain give me redgum amphibiosis whose branches reach along to a coolibah mythical romantic dream that an australian made into a song fallen branches crocodiles protruding leaves as frogs the light skips over fantastic! to the stillness of fallen logs the breeze stirs up a reedy chat and its ripples protect the jewels and a dance done on the redgum bough reflects the quivering pools banjo was here I said again to visitors filing past how much further to the top? they had to get there fast! come dangle those neglected white things at the south end of your legs the mountain top gets closer once the weight is off your pegs the billabong's a healer! really? I heard one say with a knee jerk: the well of life? can it extend my dying day? I dunno about that when you'll throw in your hat but it seems to me, to eager ears if you punch and roll with the bushland you'll get great value for your years oh she said disappointed realising she was still gunna die c'mon let's get it over with to the summit! with a sigh they'll probably be here I heard her say by the time we get back down matilda her friend would have liked to indulge but she rolled her jeans back down just then a hospitable wattle bird spake its flautish song of greetin' hello matilda you're welcome! to sit on my bank with ya feet in to come or to go is the question to know to have less and the peace to explore or perpetually seek all mountains that peak and keep waltzing, matilda, for more copyright 2003 robbo australia's most banked poet klick the boot home
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